Rhodes Old Town is an incredible destination that boasts UNESCO World Heritage Site status, which highlights its importance as a unique and historically significant place to explore. 

The town itself is located within the bustling city of Rhodes, on the stunning and enchanting island of Rhodes in Greece. 

Once you step inside the town’s walls, you’ll be transported back in time, as they date back to the 14th century; they represent some of the most impressive and imposing fortifications of the time. Once you start walking around, you’ll be treated to an array of fascinating lanes and alleyways that are filled with all sorts of treasures, including shops, restaurants, and impressive architecture from days gone by. 

There’s so much to experience, including the Palace of the Grand Master, the Street of the Knights, and the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes, and more. 

Furthermore, the town is easily accessible, thanks to its position close to several of the island’s charming beaches and harbors, making it an ever-popular stop for tourists who are looking to explore what this area has to offer. 

Whether you’re interested in breathtaking architecture, rich cultural heritage, or fascinating history, Rhodes Old Town is the perfect destination.